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Donegall Road Primary School, Belfast

Making Bird Feeders

6th Jan 2016

As part of our RSPB Award, we made bird feeders with Karen from the RSPB.  We used recycled cardboard water cups and made bird feed using margarine and flour mixed together.  If you wanted to do this at home, you could also add breadcrumbs or crumbed biscuits.  We filled the cups with the feed and then punched holes in the top of the cup.  We threaded wool through the cups and hung them outside in the school grounds to encourage bird life to visit our school environment.  We will observe the birds that the feeders attract over the next few months and top up the feed when necessary.  We had such fun doing this activity and it was so easy to do!  You could try it at home to encourage birds to visit your garden and to help the birds during the cold winter months.