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Donegall Road Primary School, Belfast

DRPS Parent Teacher Association

The P.T.A. at Donegall Road is there to enrich the school experience for pupils and parents alike.

We do this by organising a variety of events which present opportunities for parents, pupils and teachers to meet outside of the formal classroom environment fostering a community spirited school within the village. The P.T.A. fundraises throughout the year, with money raised benefiting the school and pupils.

We are always happy to see new parents joining the P.T.A. and you don't need to make a big commitment to be involved. If you'd like to find out more contact the school secretary who will put you in touch with Mrs Ford, the teacher rep.

Latest P.T.A. News

8th Apr 2022
What a fabulous day everyone had! Thank you to Miss McMullan for organising.
25th Feb 2020
27th Apr 2016
We are delighted to announce that DRPS has won the NSPCC's Childhood Champion Award...

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PTA Documents